【演講】12/14(五)_ AI or not AI that is The Question
<<12/14(五)電機/資工系 專題演講資訊如下>>
講題: AI or not AI that is The Question 演講者: Trista Chen陳佩君 博士/Chief Scientist of Machine Learning at Inventec 時間:107年12月14日(五)14:00~16:00 地點:理工二館 第四講堂(A307) Topic: AI or not AI that is The Question Talk abstract: As Andrew Ng, one of the AI pioneers, has said, "AI Is the New Electricity". Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be everywhere. While its application to business problem solving is growing in leaps and bounds, concerns about AI’s implications in workplace, employment, and society, are rising. In this talk, we will highlight promising advances in real-world use cases. Specifically, we will share our experiences working with first-tier electronics manufacturing facilities to apply machine learning techniques to their product design process and production pipeline. Looking beyond the hype, we will also investigate several AI initiatives into the future. Bio: Trista is an entrepreneur, tech executive and computer scientist in machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and multimedia big data. She is currently the Chief Scientist of Machine Learning at Inventec, the top server and consumer-electronics manufacturer in the world. Previously, Trista held leadership positions at several startups and research labs. While leading Cognitive Networks' core algorithms and data science, she lifted the company's customer counts and traffics by more than 10x. Cognitive Networks was acquired by Vizio. At Intel, she helped develop OpenCV, the most widely adopted computer vision library in the world, with over 14 million downloads as of 2018. At Nvidia, she architected Nvidia's first video processor. Trista received her Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, M.S. and B.S. from National Tsing-Hua University. She co-authored 20+ publications, 10+ issued and pending patents, and gave keynotes and invited lectures at conferences and universities. 歡迎各位師生踴躍參加