【演講】4/2(二)10:00-12:00_ 5G Green Communication Network: Research and Challenges/Effect of Spatial and Temporal Traffic Statistics on the Performance of Wireless Networks
<<4/2(二)10:00-12:00電機/資工系 專題演講資訊如下>>
p.s. 原3/29(五)14:00-16:00專題演講調移至4/2(二)10:00-12:00, 若同學星期二上午排有課程,則專題演講可請假一次。 ,其餘同學請踴躍出席。 講題: 5G Green Communication Network: Research and Challenges 演講者: 葛曉虎教授/華中科技大學 時間:108年4月2日(二)10:00~11:00 地點:理工二館 第四講堂(A307) ***************************************************** 講題: Effect of Spatial and Temporal Traffic Statistics on the Performance of Wireless Networks 演講者: 鍾禕教授/華中科技大學 時間:108年4月2日(二)11:00~12:00 地點:理工二館 第四講堂(A307) 簡介: Xiaohu Ge: Title: 5G Green Communication Network: Research and Challenges Abstract: The whole world of telecommunications and information communities is facing more and more serious challenge, namely on one side the transmitted multimedia-rich data are exploding at an astonishing speed and on the other side the total energy consumption by the communication and networking devices and the relevant global CO2 emission are increasing terribly. The deployment of a large number of small cells poses new challenges to energy efficiency, which has often been ignored in fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. While massive multiple-input multiple outputs (MIMO) will reduce the transmission power at the expense of higher computational cost, the question remains as to which computation or transmission power is more important in the energy efficiency of 5G small cell networks. This talk will focus on the energy efficiency optimization theories and technologies to meet these challenges. Yi Zhong: Title: Effect of Spatial and Temporal Traffic Statistics on the Performance of Wireless Networks Abstract: The traffic in wireless networks has become diverse and fluctuating both spatially and temporally due to the emergence of new wireless applications and the complexity of scenarios. The purpose of this talk is to discuss the quantitatively analysis of the impact of the wireless traffic, which fluctuates both spatially and temporally, on the performance of the wireless networks. Specially, we propose to combine the tools from stochastic geometry and queueing theory to model the spatial and temporal fluctuation of traffic, which to our best knowledge has seldom been evaluated analytically. We derive the spatial and temporal statistics, the total arrival rate, the stability of queues and the delay of users by considering two different spatial properties of traffic, i.e., the uniformly and non-uniformly distributed cases. The numerical results indicate that although the fluctuation of traffic (reflected by the variance of total arrival rate) when the users are clustered is much fiercer than that when the users are uniformly distributed, the stability performance is much better. Our work provides a useful reference for the design of wireless networks when the complex spatio-temporal fluctuation of the traffic is considered. 歡迎各位師生踴躍參加