【演講】5/1(五)_ How Machine Tool Builders Adapt to Industrie 4.0 Device
<<5/1(五)電機系/資工系 專題演講資訊如下>>
講題: How Machine Tool Builders Adapt to Industrie 4.0 Device 演講者: 何明哲 機電技術處經理/達佛羅股份有限公司 時間:109年5月1日(五)14:00~16:00 地點:理工二館 第四堂(A307) The forth industrial revolution, also known as industrie 4.0 brings new era of manufacturing. It combines new technologies, like cyber-physical system (CPS), IoT, AI and big data to promote a smart manufacturing and provide customers with the best quality and best service. Buffalo is one of the fastest-growing machine tool manufacturing companies in Taiwan. Located in Taichung, a global cluster in the industry, it produces quality machines with excellent customer service. Under the trend of digitalization and automation, how can we adapt to industrie 4.0 to drive innovations and bring the company to the world.