【電機系演講】102/10/4(五)_Research Roadmap Driven by Network Benchmarking Lab (NBL): Deep Packet Inspection, Traffic Forensics, WLAN/LTE, Embedded Benchmarking, and Beyond
Title: “Research Roadmap Driven by Network Benchmarking Lab (NBL): Deep Packet Inspection, Traffic Forensics, WLAN/LTE, Embedded Benchmarking, and Beyond”
林盈達教授任職交通大學資訊工程系,於1993年取得UCLA電腦科學博士學位,他在2007年及2010年分別擔任Cisco訪問學者及電信技術中心執行長各一年,他在2002年創立網路測試中心NBL (Network Benchmarking Lab, www.nbl.org.tw)並擔任主任至今,該中心近年以真實流量測試網通產品,他於2011年再新創嵌入式測試中心EBL (Embedded Benchmarking Lab, www.ebl.org.tw),將範圍延伸至手機與平板等手持設備。他的研究領域涵蓋網路協定設計、實作、分析與測試,近年以網路安全、無線通訊及嵌入式軟硬體效能為主軸,他的 multi-hop cellular 論文是此議題之第一個研究,被引用次數超過600次並被標準化至IEEE 802.11s、WiMAX IEEE 802.16j及3GPP LTE-Advanced。他因在多階蜂巢通訊與深層封包檢查的貢獻而於2013年升任IEEE Fellow,目前擔任約十個國際期刊之編輯,包括IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Network, IEEE Computer, IEEE Communications Magazine - Network Testing Series, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Letters, Computer Communications, Computer Networks, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems。他最近與中正大學黃仁竑教授及Fred Baker (Cisco Fellow)新出版教科書Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach (McGraw-Hill, 2011, www.mhhe.com/lin),該書是第一本結合開放源碼實作講解協定設計之教科書。
Most researchers look for topics from the literature. But our research has been driven mostly by development which in turn has been driven by industrial projects or lab works. We first compare three different sources of research topics. We then derive two research tracks driven by product development and product testing, named as the blue track and the green track, respectively. Each track is further divided into development plane and research plane. The blue track on product development has fostered a startup company (L7 Networks Inc.) and a textbook (Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach, McGraw-Hill 2011) at the development plane and also a research roadmap on QoS and deep packet inspection (DPI) at the research plane. On the other hand, the green track on product testing has triggered a 3rd-party test bed, Network Benchmarking Lab (NBL, www.nbl.org.tw), at the development plane and a research roadmap on traffic forensics, WLAN/LTE, and embedded benchmarking at the research plane. Throughout this talk, we illustrate how development and research could be highly interleaved. At the end, we give lessons accumulated over the past decade. The audience could see how research could be conducted in a different way.
1. From development to research
2. System research with three side products - NBL, L7 Networks Inc., textbook
3. The blue track – product development
Development plane: L7 Networks Inc., textbook
Research plane: QoS, DPI (deep packet inspection)
4. The green track – product testing
Development plane: NBL, EBL, BML
Research plane: traffic forensics, WLAN/LTE, embedded benchmarking
5. Lessons